
Distribution of medals over the years (Olympic swimming Stats : Part 2)

Distribution of medals over the years

The expansion of participation from various teams in the swimming events throughout the history of the Olympic Games reflects a remarkable growth in the global embrace of aquatic sports. Over the years, there has been a discernible increase in the number of countries participating in swimming competitions, signaling a broadening interest and recognition of the significance of this discipline on the Olympic stage. This rise in diversity not only showcases the universality of the Games but also amplifies the accessibility and appeal of swimming worldwide. The increasing participation of different teams adds depth and richness to the competition, fostering a sense of unity and shared enthusiasm for the sport across borders. This evolution underscores the dynamic and inclusive spirit of the Olympic Games, emphasizing their role as a platform for nations to come together in the pursuit of sporting excellence and mutual understanding.

We would like to explore our next question, which is to determine the number of teams/countries that have participated in the swimming events of the Olympic Games over the years. We are interested in understanding whether there has been a change in the number of teams since the inaugural Olympic Games held in Stockholm in 1912.

So let’s dive into the code I wrote:


Now, let’s present it by adding an plot line:


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